Robotics and Security Prospects

The Global Security and Law Enforcement Robots Market 2017-2021, a report based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts was publicly released a few months ago, in June 2017. The report covers the robotics market and its growth prospects over the coming years, especially the Analysis, Technologies & Forecasts of Global Security and Law Enforcement Robots Market from 2017 to 2021.

Result: Weaponized Security Robots to become a Key Market Trend.

One of the important trends in the market: weaponized security robots.
Areas prone to high alerts, due to illegal activities and civil unrest need constant surveillance. And today it is not always possible for human security guards to be present in certain areas for constant surveillance or for border patrolling operations.

According to the report, the availability of electronic components and growth in technology has led to a rise in the development of advanced robotics product and extensive research in the field and related technology. Growth in the microelectronics market has led to the availability of advanced electronic components that are used for manufacturing security and law enforcement robots.

One important concern was the vulnerability to hacking. The software used in these robots can be hacked, and as these robots are used by intelligence agencies worldwide for critical operations of security and law enforcement, it is crucial and necessary to protect them from any threat.

It is believed that in a distant future, communities will take security into their own hands by investing in machines that patrol streets, sidewalks and schools, instantly alerting residents via mobile app of intruders or criminal behavior.

Many Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are seeking to modernize, privatize and monetize services once entrusted to the government. “What if we could crowd-source security?” said Li, co-founder and chief executive of a robotics company, Knightscope, a question that has intrigued venture capitalists who have pumped $14 million into his start-up.

Knightscope robots are already edging into the private security industry, patrolling parking lots, a shopping center and corporate campuses in California.
Stanford Shopping Center, Qualcomm and Uber rent them starting at about $7 an hour

The robots can record, stream, send and store video; provide thermal imaging; read license plates; track parked cars; serve as a two-way intercom; play a pre-recorded message; and detect humans in places they’re not supposed to be.